Newsletter - feb. 07, 2024

At the Treasury Board, modernizing our federal regulatory systems and reducing red tape are front-of-mind priorities. 

As Budget 2024 approaches, I am continuing to meet with Canadians to ensure that our economic plan reflects the realities and priorities of families and businesses. Last week, during Red Tape Awareness Week, I held pre-budget consultations with small and medium-sized businesses with the Oakville Chamber of Commerce and over 35 Oakville-based not-for-profits. The consensus was clear: we must continue to modernize our regulatory framework to facilitate efficient service delivery and create more accessible resources. 

The Red Tape Reduction Act (RTRA), implemented in 2015, establishes guidelines for federal departments and agencies to control the growth of administrative burdens on businesses when developing regulations. In turn, this incentivizes regulatory modernization which is essential to reduce costs, stimulate innovation, and uphold a competitive edge in a digital world. 

That’s why, alongside Senator Deacon and Senator Wu, I am working on advancing Bill S-6, An Act respecting regulatory modernization. This bill seeks to amend 28 different acts to reduce barriers, including financial and time-costly burdens to innovation and economic growth. Bill S-6 passed the Senate in June 2022, yet remains stalled in the House of Commons at Second Reading. Reducing the costs of regulation not only benefits businesses, but it benefits consumers as well. It allows for a more rapid rollout of innovative products, timely protection against harms from new technologies, and potentially lower prices. It will help small businesses, farmers, newcomers and ultimately all Canadians.

I look forward to continuing to work with businesses of all sizes, constituents in Oakville and Canadians across the country to inform policies that save businesses time and money so that they can continue to grow and thrive. 

Lunar New Year celebrations with Sunrise Mandarin School
Hundreds of Chinese youth attend the Sunrise Mandarin School, headquartered in Oakville, to learn more about their cultural heritage and key issues through activities like Model UN and debate competitions. I enjoyed welcoming the Chinese New Year with you all!

Black History Month Gala
Black Mentorship Inc. (BMI) is empowering Black professionals through skills-based mentorship programs, and tonight's Black History Month Gala celebrated their contributions to Oakville and Canada. Thanks to founder, Evangeline Chima, and the whole team at BMI, for helping to build a diverse & inclusive workforce.

Lunar New Year celebrations with Oakville Jiu-Jiu Association
Happy Year of the Dragon! The Oakville Jiu-Jiu Association brings seniors and newcomers together through a range of recreational & multicultural activities, like tai chi & planting trees in our community. Thanks for supporting healthy & engaged lifestyles for seniors in Oakville!

Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship:
I was happy to be back at the free throw championship at St. Thomas Aquinas. Watching the students show off their skills and support each other was truly inspiring. Thank you to the Oakville Knights of Columbus for bringing students together for some friendly competition!

Pre-budget consultations: 
Non-for-profits do vital work across our community. Today, I heard from over 30 Oakville based NFPs about the supports they need to function, including housing for women suffering from gender-based violence, mental health and gender equality. 

Wishing You a Happy Retirement:
After over 30 years of dedication to Canada’s public service, Graham Flack is retiring. Graham, since my first day at Treasury Board you have been by my side. I can’t thank you enough for your wise counsel & incredible commitment. Keep in touch and all the very best in your next chapter.

Oakville Chamber of Commerce:
As Budget 2024 is coming up, last week I visited the Oakville Chambers of Commerce alongside Rechie Valdez to hear from small & medium-sized businesses. We are committed to cutting red tape, modernizing Government of Canada regulations, investing in local economies and so much more! 

Government of Canada Digital Talent Platform:
Last week we launched the GC Digital Talent Platform, an online tool that makes it easy to view & apply to Government of Canada jobs. It allows users to apply for jobs in the public service, find new talent for their GC teams and connect with the GC digital community!

Lunar New Year Celebrations:
The Oakville Chinese Network is a one-of-a-kind organization which connects families with a range of programs & services. Thank you to the founder of this incredible organization, Rena Lu, for your leadership and for bringing the community together to celebrate the year of the dragon! 


Newsletter - feb. 21, 2024


Newsletter - Jan. 24, 2024