Newsletter - June 09, 2023

June marks the beginning of Pride Season. Here in Oakville, seeing the familiar pride flag raised at our town hall and schools across Halton has been a welcome sight. I hope all enjoy our community's incredible schedule of events, from Drag Brunches to Halton Pride Fest!

As I take this time to reflect on the fight for equal rights, I'm grateful to be part of a government that has always stood alongside the 2SLGBTQI+ community.

We banned conversion therapy, and Health Canada approved the Canadian Blood Services' submission to end the blood ban for men who have sex with men. We protected gender identity and gender expression under the Canadian Human Rights Act. We expunged people convicted of consensual same-sex sexual activity. Last summer, we launched Canada's first Federal 2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan.

In my portfolio as Minister of National Defence, we have also launched a transformational Canadian Armed Forces Positive Space Initiative to better promote a safe and inclusive environment for all. Former queer RCMP and military personnel who have faced oppression due to our nation's past discriminatory policies can now access support. In April, we began awarding the Canada Pride Citation to eligible current and former military members.

In 2023, we're seeing a rise in anti-2SLGBTQI+ laws worldwide, increased violence against trans people, and threats to safety at Pride parades. That's why we're providing up to $1.5 million to Pride organizations nationwide for increased security measures at parades and other events this year. We will continue to do our part in supporting and protecting Trans Canadians. We are also partnering with the non-profit organization Rainbow Railroad to protect LGBTQI+ refugees and welcome them to Canada.

While we may have much progress to celebrate this Pride Season, these efforts and our conversations with the 2SLGBTQI+ community must continue to build a better, more inclusive future for everyone.

Together with our industry partners, we’re modernizing the Canadian Armed Forces so that we can take on tomorrow’s challenges. To that end, I made two important announcements at CANSEC 2023.

First, I announced that we will establish a Cybersecurity Certification Program for Canada’s defence industry. Our industry is subject to frequent malicious cyber activities. This certification will protect critical supply chains, and increase confidence in Canadian suppliers.

Second, I announced the launch of the Department of National Defence's Indigenous Reconciliation Program. Up to $1.5 million will be available annually to Indigenous peoples and organizations in support of engagement and consultation with DND and the Canadian Armed Forces.

As we modernize our Armed Forces, we can’t leave anyone behind. These new measures will increase trust in the resiliency of Canada’s defence industry, and ensure that our Indigenous partners have a seat at the table.

Shangri-La Dialogue
To advance Canada’s defence relationships in the Indo-Pacific, I attended the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, where delegates from more than 50 countries gathered to discuss regional security challenges and engage in important bilateral discussions with Indo-Pacific counterparts. 

There, I announced new Canadian initiatives to support a free and open Indo-Pacific, and met with counterparts to advance our defence relationships in the region. This includes reinforcing our military presence by deploying an additional warship each year under Operation HORIZON and several other measures in Canada's Indo-Pacific Strategy.

Since late 2022, we have continued to make valuable contributions to security across the Indo-Pacific region, including by leading training initiatives aimed at increasing awareness of gender issues as part of the Women, Peace and Security agenda. Canada is also working with regional partners to support the full and meaningful participation of uniformed women across the region through targeted courses, training, and other ongoing engagements.

I look forward to building on our progress, and to developing even stronger ties with our defence partners in the region.

Drag Brunch at Community Resto
Expressing yourself through Drag is one of Canada’s fundamental freedoms. It's crucial that we show up to support the 2SLGBTQI+ community in all its diversity. I enjoyed seeing Devine Darling & Vitality Black at Community Resto. Looking forward to a fantastic #Pride2023.

Building More Housing in Oakville
Through the Housing Accelerator Fund, we are working with municipalities to fast-track the creation of over 100,000 new homes. On Monday, I joined Minister Hussen, MP Damoff & Mayor Burton to discuss how this fund will remove barriers and build more housing in Oakville.

Walking in Support of the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides
Since 1985, the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides has trained over 3000 dog guide teams to provide support to Canadians living with disabilities. My Oakville Youth Council & I were honoured to join their largest ever annual fundraiser walk with Pet Valu. 

Run for Lighthouse
No one should feel alone when they are grieving. I am thankful for Lighthouse for Grieving Children and Families' work in our Oakville community. I helped give back by participating in their annual 5k run. It was amazing to see over 1100 participants this year!

Celebrating Halton's Paramedics
Halton’s Paramedics respond to over 50,000 calls a year. We owe them a great debt for their invaluable service during the pandemic and beyond. To mark Paramedic Week, we gathered to show our appreciation for their meaningful work. Thank you for your tireless efforts.

2023 Canadian Indian Arts Festival
Art is one of the most powerful ways of sharing one’s culture. I was thrilled to join the Hindu community for the 2023 Canadian Indian Arts Festival. This fantastic showcase of southern India's cultural heritage was a meaningful reminder of the strength of Canada’s diversity.

2023 Wildfire Relief Efforts
This wildfire season has already been devastating for communities across the country. We are working with provincial and territorial counterparts, as well as with Indigenous communities, to ensure continued support for those impacted by these fires. Hundreds of Canadian Armed Forces members are deployed across our country to fight these fires, and keep people safe. 

As we battle this year's fire season, we are also making significant long-term investments to ensure that we are prepared to mitigate and adapt to the effects of future wildfire seasons. 

Read more on our comprehensive response here - The Government of Canada is supporting Canadians through the 2023 Wildfire Season - Update -


Newsletter - June 23, 2023


Newsletter - may 26, 2023