Newsletter - Mar. 17, 2023

On March 8th, we celebrated International Women's Day. This occasion is a time to reflect and celebrate the groundbreaking achievements of women here in Oakville and around the world.

This year's theme is Every Woman Counts. It serves as a reminder that all women, in all their diversity, have a place in every aspect of Canadian society.

At the grassroots level, I am thrilled that organizations like MOM2MOM BIZ here in Halton continue to offer valuable assistance to women entrepreneurs. I am also grateful for the essential work of Halton Women's Place & SAVIS to support vulnerable women in our community.

To better support women across Canada, we’re also taking real action to deliver affordable childcare. We've already seen tangible results, with fees having decreased by 50% in Ontario and on track to reach $10 a day by 2025. Thanks in part to this progress, 2022 saw a record-high 85% employment rate for women.

As Minister of Defence, my top priority is ensuring that all our military personnel – especially women – are respected and protected when they put on their uniforms. Every day, the women of our military serve Canadians with distinction and break down boundaries. On International Women's Day, I had the pleasure of joining CAF women leaders to celebrate the many women in our military leading our culture change efforts.

My thoughts are also with the brave Ukrainian woman who have been crucial to their country's war effort. As Ursula Von Der Leyen said during her address to our Parliament last week, "Ukrainian women did not wait for doors to be open for them to serve in all capacities. They broke the doors down. These women also smashed a glass ceiling right over the head of the Russian invaders."

As we celebrate our progress, we must recognize there is still much work to do. The Gender Pay Gap persists, and women are still underrepresented in our democracy. It is our collective responsibility to remain steadfast in our commitment to combatting these issues. We must build on our progress and foster a future where every woman counts.

Keeping Oakville Safe
Our communities must be safe places to live, work, and raise our families. However, we have all noticed the worrying spike in gun and gang violence in our community. Between 2019 and 2020, Halton saw a nearly 20% increase in weapons offences. One life taken from us by gun violence is one too many.

That’s why we are taking concrete action to address the root causes of this violent sourge. Through the Building Safer Communities Fund, we are investing nearly $4 million in Halton to support grassroots efforts combatting gun and gang violence.

These funds will go toward organizations that focus on children, youth and young adults who are involved in or at risk of joining gangs.

This investment build on our comprehensive plan to keep Canadians safe:

  • We are bolstering our border security and increasing the law enforcement capacity to fight gun smuggling.

  • We are also cracking down on gun smuggling and trafficking by increasing criminal penalties.

  • We are revoking the firearms licenses of those involved in acts of domestic violence or criminal harassment.

  • We are banning assault-style weapons like the AR-15 and launching a buyback program

  • We are implementing a national freeze on handguns.

We will continue to work relentlessly to stop gun violence before it starts and create a safer future for Oakville, for Halton and for Canada.

Oakville Women Leaders Roundtable at Sheridan College
To mark International Women's Day, I joined some of Oakville’s women leaders at Sheridan College for a meaningful conversation about discrimination and systemic barriers, as well as our collective journey ahead. Thank you all for sharing your inspiring stories and ideas!

Fireside Chat at McMaster University
Earlier this week, I also had an engaging conversation about women’s leadership, representation, and family at McMaster University. Sharing the stage with my sister, Dr. Sonia Anand, made the occasion even more special!

Additional Military Aid For Ukraine.
On March 15th, I was pleased to announce that Canada will donate approximately 8,000 rounds of 155mm ammunition, as well as 12 air defence missiles sourced from Canadian Armed Forces’ (CAF) inventory, to sustain the air defence systems currently deployed in Ukraine. Canada will also donate more than 1,800 rounds of 105mm tank training ammunition. 

We will continue to do whatever it takes to safeguard freedom, democracy, and the rules-based international order.

HMCS STAR Centiennial
From coast to coast to coast, Canada’s Navy reservists step up to serve their communities.

Last weekend, I joined HMCS STAR sailors, colleagues, and guests to celebrate their Naval Reserve’s centennial. Thank you for your exemplary service to Canada!

Haftseen Bazaar
Last weekend, I also joined Oakville’s Persian Community for their Haftseen Bazaar. Everyday, Iranian Canadians make immense contributions to Canada. As we ring in Persian New Year, let us also recommit to standing with Iranian women & girls in their fight for equality. Happy Nowruz!

Holi Ragnostav
I joined the Hindu Community in Halton and Hamilton for their Holi Rangotsav in Oakville. Celebrations such as this are a testament to Canada's diversity, and remind us that inclusion builds a stronger and more vibrant country.

Happy Holi!

Historic Volkswagen Investment
On March 13th, Volkswagen Group announced they will build their first overseas battery cell plant right here in Ontario. This historic announcement represents another major step forward as Canada continues the work to grow its clean transportation sector and meet global and North American demand for zero-emission vehicles.

Since 2020, Canada and Ontario have attracted over $17 billion in investments by global automakers and suppliers of electric vehicles batteries and battery materials. Ontario is the only place in North America where five major automakers build their vehicles, including Honda, Toyota, Ford, General Motors and Stellantis.

Our government will continue to invest in a green economy, create good Canadian jobs, and support new industry investments. 

Defence Policy Update
To better reflect our changing world, we're updating Canada's Defence Policy, and we want to hear from you. On March 9, we launched public consultations on our Defence Policy Update, and I invite you to share your thoughts on how we build a Canadian Armed Forces ready for tomorrow.

Specifically, we are seeking your input on:

  • Supporting our people

  • Building organizational capacity

  • Maintaining and adapting the essential capabilities of the Canadian Armed Forces

  • Upgrading continental and Arctic defences

  • and Capabilities needed for modern conflict.

This input will be crucial to updating our defence policy, and to ensuring that our country is prepared to respond to new and emerging threats in the current geopolitical landscape – all while creating economic opportunities and jobs.

Share your thoughts here:


Newsletter - Mar. 31, 2023


Newsletter - Mar. 04, 2023