Newsletter - dec. 24, 2022

It's great to be back in Oakville after a visit abroad to visit the troops before the holiday season. This holiday season, they are all in my mind – and like all Canadians, I’m sincerely grateful for their service and devotion to Canada. I encourage all Canadians to write to our troops to say thanks, and on this Christmas Eve, I’m happy to remind all the families out there that you can track Santa’s journey across the world on the NORAD Tracks Santa website.

2022 has been a year of landmark accomplishments for our government, delivering tangible results for Canadians. 

On December 31st, child-care fees will be reduced by 50% across Ontario and in Oakville, saving families on average $6000 per child – delivering on our promise to you. We've also launched the Canada Dental Benefit, implemented our comprehensive plan to help people buy their first home, announced Canada's first National Emissions Reduction plan, permanently removed interest on student loans, and so much more.

Throughout this challenging year, we have been there to put money back in the pockets of Canadians in the face of global inflation.

Here in Oakville, we have made great progress in making our community an even greener and greater place to live. This has meant:

  • Millions in new investments for local green spaces,

  • New electric vehicle charging stations across Oakville,

  • Supporting our local businesses and young people with the Canada Summer Jobs program,

  • Funding critical community resources, and

  • Building more affordable housing.

As your Minster of National Defence, we’ve also made important progress to ensure the continued protection of our country. Check out our year in review here.
We’ve accomplished a great deal in 2022, and I know that there is so much more to come in the New Year. It’s an honour to be your Member of Parliament, and I look forward to continuing our progress for Oakville.

Visiting Deployed Canadian Forces Overseas
This past week, General Eyre and I had the honour of meeting with and thanking our Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members deployed abroad in Scotland, Kuwait and Jordan. 

In Scotland, we visited Prestwick, where a Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) Air Mobility Detachment is deployed and delivering Ukraine-bound military aid donated by Canada, Allies, and partners. This year, they have displayed unwavering dedication to supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and so far have delivered over 5.5 million pounds of cargo.

In Kuwait, we met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chief of the General Staff. We thanked Kuwait for its continued support to the CAF and for being a steadfast host and partner in the region.  We also visited Ali Al Salem Air Base and thanked CAF members deployed on Operation IMPACT – Canada’s mission to build the conditions for stability and security in Middle East. 

Finally, in Jordan we met with His Majesty King Abdullah II and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. We discussed the important partnership between Canada and Jordan, and we met with CAF personnel in Jordan.

As 2022 draws to a close and as we all mark the holiday season, I extend my sincere and heartfelt good wishes to all members of the Canadian Armed Forces. Day in and day out, they work tirelessly to keep Canadians safe. I wish them all a very happy holiday season, and a successful new year.
Learn more about our visit here.

Report to Parliament on Culture Change Reforms in Response to Former Supreme Court Justice Arbour’s Recommendations.
Earlier this year, Madame Arbour provided her final report to me with 48 recommendations to address sexual misconduct in the military and better support survivors. On December 13th, I presented to Parliament our path forward on all 48 recommendations. This is an ambitious roadmap for reform developed through months of work and consultation – and we are committed to delivering real change.

Culture change will not happen overnight, and it will only succeed if it is a team effort. Progress is necessary and achievable – and let us continue to work towards it, together.

Find out more here - Minister Anand updates Parliament on reforms to address sexual harassment and misconduct in the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces -

Canada Summer Jobs Employer Applications now Open!
Attention Oakville business owners and not-for-profit organizations! The employer application period for the Canada Summer Jobs program is now open. 
The Canada Summer Jobs program helps young Canadians gain the skills and the paid work experience needed to successfully transition into the labour market. In 2022, over $2.4 million in funding was invested in 90 businesses and organizations in Oakville, creating more than 700 jobs. 
Learn more and apply here - Canada Summer Jobs 2023: Application period for employers begins today -

Tracking Santa with NORAD
Tonight is Christmas Eve, and children in Oakville and around the globe will be eager to follow Santa's journey. 

As the big night approaches, NORAD will once again be tracking Santa as he travels from the North Pole to families around the world. Further, the Canadian NORAD Region (CANR) will be monitoring and escorting Santa as he completes his journey through Canadian airspace once again! 

I encourage all Oakville families to check in on Santa here - Official NORAD Tracks Santa (

Supporting Low-Income Renters
We know that for many Canadians, the cost of housing is a serious challenge. That is why we have launched a one-time rental support payment.

As of December 12th, nearly 2 million low-income renters are eligible to apply for a payment of $500 to help with the cost of housing. That’s on top of the hundreds of dollars on average many already receive through the Canada Housing Benefit.

Find out if you or a loved one is eligible here - One-time top-up to the Canada Housing Benefit -

Happy Hanukkah!
For Jewish communities in Oakville and across Canada, Hanukkah is a time to gather with loved ones and celebrate. Also known as the Festival of Lights, this time reminds us that light will always defeat darkness.

To all those who celebrate, Chag Hanukkah Sameach!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday's!
I wish you all a joyous holiday season and a new year filled with peace and happiness!


Newsletter - jan. 27, 2023


Newsletter - dec. 10, 2022