Newsletter - nov. 12, 2022

Last week, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland, tabled the 2022 Fall Economic Statement, which continues our work to make life more affordable as we build an economy that works for all Canadians. 

We are investing in Canadians by:

  • permanently eliminating interest on student and apprentice loans

  • helping people buy their first home by implementing our comprehensive plan

  • continuing to attract investment in our clean economy and create good jobs.

To make our economy more competitive, we are ensuring that Canada is positioned to lead the global Electric Vehicle industry in the decades to come. Oakville is going to be at the heart of this: We've already invested $295M at the Ford Assembly and with our newly proposed investments in our critical mineral supply chain, groundbreaking new tax-credits for clean technology, and the Canada Growth Fund; the best is yet to come. 

Additionally, to help the small businesses at the heart of our economy and our communities – we will lower their costs and make things easier for them by lowering credit card transaction fees. The 2022 Fall Economic Statement announces that we are entering negotiations with payment card networks, financial institutions, acquirers, payment processors, and businesses to lower credit card transaction fees to get this done.

We are also delivering much-needed relief for those who need it most this year by:

  • Doubling the GST tax credit,

  • Providing dental care for kids under 12

  • Helping people pay their rent with targeted support payments.

While there is global uncertainty, Canada's economy is resilient and well positioned to whether any storm. We will continue to be fiscally prudent, while being there for people as we build a competitive economy that works for all Canadians.

Remembrance Day

Yesterday, I laid a wreath at the Remembrance Day ceremony at Queen’s Park in Toronto. Remembrance Day is a time for all Canadians to solemnly reflect on the sacrifices that our service members have made to defend peace, freedom, democracy and human rights all over the world.

The rights and freedoms that we enjoy cannot be taken for granted. They are thanks to the many current and former Canadian Armed Forces members who have put their lives on the line for Canada – and some who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

Our Canadian Armed Forces personnel are willing to put everything on the line for their country. Let us honour them, for defending the values that we hold dear. We salute the bravery of those who are no longer with us and thank all members of the Canadian Armed Forces.

May we always remember.

Lest we forget.

Opening the Toronto Stock Exchange
On Remembrance Day, I had the privilege of opening the TSX along Jeff Musson, Executive Director of Coding for Veterans, HMCS York personnel, and Loui Anastasopoulos, CEO of Toronto Stock Exchange. There, we honoured military Veterans and members of the Canadian Armed Forces, as well as raised awareness of the important work of Coding for Veterans.

One of the best ways to support our Veterans is to help enable their meaningful employment after their service. By giving CAF veterans the training and tools that they need to succeed in the technology sector, Coding for Veterans helps our people move from excellence in uniform to excellence in cyberspace. I sincerely thank Coding for Veterans for its important work, and reaffirm our commitment to supporting our veterans, CAF members, and military families.

HMCS Oakville Exhibition
On November 5th, I was pleased to join Sean E. Livingston and other dignitaries to open the HMCS Oakville exhibit at the Queen Elizabeth Community and Cultural Centre. This exhibition here in our Oakville community is a poignant reminder to share and celebrate Canada’s proud military history.

Serving in the Battle of the Atlantic, HMCS Oakville was among the few naval corvettes to sink an enemy submarine. The courage of its crew remains a testament to the dedication and spirit of those who have served and continue to serve in the Royal Canadian Navy.

I hope everyone takes the opportunity to visit the exhibition and learn about the story of HMCS Oakville. Their sacrifice reminds us of our solemn obligation to keep their legacy alive. 

Trip to Gagetown
It was a pleasure to visit the Canadian Army’s base in Gagetown - the largest Army base in Atlantic Canada. There I met with Canadian Armed Forces personnel and veterans as we reflected on Veterans' Week.

Our country will always owe a debt of gratitude for the tremendous commitment of all Canadian veterans. Gagetown is where many of our soldiers receive their world-class training. While there, members at the Combat Training Centre showed us their equipment – from light armoured vehicles, to the M777 howitzer.

I’m constantly inspired by my conversations with Canadian Armed Forces members, who dedicate themselves to peace, freedom, and democracy. Thank you for your excellence and devotion to defending Canada.

Hindu Heritage Month
This November marks the first federally recognized Hindu Heritage Month. Canada is home to over 830,000 Hindus who make immense contributions to the fabric of our country.

To communities near and far, happy Hindu Heritage Month!

Visit to SteriMax Inc.
On Wednesday, I was thrilled to tour SteriMax Inc.’s facility here in Oakville. During the pandemic, SteriMax established themselves as one of Canada's leading healthcare product providers and played an essential role in getting our hospitals the resources they needed to help keep Canadians safe and healthy. 

SteriMax is now playing a crucial and evolving role in strengthening our domestic healthcare supply chains. I look forward to watching them grow and thrive in our Oakville community!

New Investments in the Rapid Housing Initiative
Earlier this week, Minister Ahmed Hussen launched the third round of the Rapid Housing Initiative to build thousands of affordable housing units across the country. This means the creation of more than 4,500 more affordable housing units, including right here in Halton! This is what real leadership on affordable housing looks like.
We've already built 10,000 new affordable housing units through this intiative, and we’re on track to double housing construction over the next 10 years. On top of this, we’re providing a one-time payment of $500 to renters who are struggling with the cost of housing. We will continue to work toward a Canada where everyone has a safe and affordable place to call home!

Touring Oakville Fire Station Branch 3
On Wednesday, I visited Oakville Fire Station 3 and learned more about the incredible work they are doing to keep Oakville safe. Day in and day out, Oakville's firefighters take on fearless and courageous work. 

Thank you so much for your service and dedication to our community!


Newsletter - nov. 25, 2022


Newsletter - oct. 29, 2022