Newsletter - may. 20, 2022

May is Asian Heritage Month, a time when we recognize the immense contributions of Asian Canadians and celebrate their diverse cultures and history. For the last two centuries, immigrants have come to Canada from all parts of Asia, bringing with them rich heritage representing many languages, ethnicities and religions.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Asian Heritage Month in Canada and the theme is Continuing a Legacy of Greatness. Canadians of Asian Heritage trace their ancestry from more than 40 different countries, each with their own unique cultural roots that continue to enrich our country and make Canada a more vibrant place to call home.

This month, I encourage all Canadians to take time to learn about the many different Asian cultures and communities through arts, films, literature and beyond, and embrace the diversity and compassion that make our country strong. Throughout history, Canadians of Asian Heritage have made exceptional contributions to the fabric of our country. From Margaret Lyons, the first female vice-president of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), to Senator Vivienne Poy, the first Canadian of Asian Heritage appointed to the Senate of Canada, Canadians of Asian Heritage have built a legacy of greatness.

As we come together to celebrate what makes Canada strong, we must also acknowledge the daily lived realities that Canadians of Asian Heritage face. With the rise of anti-Asian racism, xenophobia and discrimination, we must continue to stand together against hate.

Our government continues to work hard to combat all forms of racism and we are taking concrete actions to safeguard the rights and well-being of Asian communities in Canada. That is why we developed Canada’s first National Action Plan on Combatting Hate, as well as a new Anti-Racism Strategy. Both the Action Plan and the Anti-Racism Strategy are being developed through community consultations that are centered on the lived experiences of communities affected by hate and discrimination in Canada.

Lorne Scots Mess Dinner
Last weekend, I was honoured to join the Lorne Scots Regiment for its annual Mess Dinner in Oakville. The Lorne Scots have served our community and our country for over 150 years, defending Canadian values at home and abroad. It was wonderful to participate in this time-honoured military tradition and thank the members in person for their dedication and service to our country. To learn more about the important work the Lorne Scots Regiment does, click here.

Strengthening Access to Abortion
Everyone in Canada should have access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive healthcare. Sexual and reproductive health is an essential part of healthcare – including access to safe and stigma-free abortion care. We will always be unequivocally pro-choice and ensure that the right to choose is protected and supported in Canada.

Although abortion services are legal and covered in Canada’s public healthcare, barriers still exist in accessing abortion across the country. Some women may need to travel away from home to access this care and may not always have the means to do so. With the COVID-19 pandemic, limited healthcare resources are also being stretched even further. This affects all healthcare services, including sexual and reproductive healthcare – and especially for underserved groups such as Indigenous and racialized peoples, members of the 2SLGBTQI+ communities, people with disabilities, women, and youth.

That’s why last week, Minister Duclos and Minister Ien announced $3.5M for two new projects to Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights and National Abortion Federation Canada. These two projects will improve access to abortion care for Canadians facing the greatest barriers through providing information, assistance, and education. To learn more, click here.

Vyshyvanka Day
Each year, on the third Thursday of May, Ukrainians around the world celebrate Ukraine’s rich culture and history by proudly wearing Vyshyvankas, embroidered shirts that are a staple of Ukrainian culture. As a proud friend of Ukraine, I was happy to wear a Vyshyvanka to celebrate yesterday!

Visit to Wainwright for Exercise MAPLE RESOLVE
Exercise MAPLE RESOLVE is the Canadian Army's largest and most complex annual training exercise, and ensures that our soldiers remain ready to meet any threat. Last week in Wainwright, Gen. Eyre and I visited Canadian and allied personnel participating in this important exercise.

MAPLE RESOLVE involves approximately 3000 personnel, including several hundred from the U.S. and U.K. This training bolsters Canada's ability to operate alongside our closest partners, and ensures that our forces are ready to help defend our NATO allies at a moment's notice.

Additional Military Assistance to Ukraine
Canada stands shoulder to shoulder with Ukraine. On May 8 in Kyiv, Prime Minister Trudeau announced additional measures and investments to continue supporting Ukraine, including:

  • Providing an additional $50 million in military assistance, which builds on recent contributions of artillery, ammunition, and civilian-pattern light armoured vehicles:

    • 18 drone cameras, including in-service support and repair;

    • $15 million of high-resolution satellite imagery;

    • Up to $1 million in small arms and related ammunition; and

    • Additional ammunition for M777 howitzers

Queen's Platinum Jubilee Community Awards
This Summer, Canada will celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, marking the 70th anniversary of her accession to the throne. In honour of this occasion, I will be recognizing local community heroes!

Do you know someone who has made a difference in our Oakville community? Nominate them to receive a limited edition commemorative pin! Nominations can be submitted to my constituency office at The deadline for nominations is June 1, 2022.

Canada Forest Trust Student Scholarship Program
This week, Canada’s Forest Trust (CFT) is announced its $250,000 Student Scholarship Program that will distribute scholarships to students across Canada over the next five years. The Student Scholarship Program is an initiative to engage, educate, empower and help fund environmental leadership and education for youth. To learn more about the program, click here.


Newsletter - june. 03, 2022


Newsletter - may. 06, 2022