Statement: Remembrance Day

Today, we salute and pay remembrance to our fallen soldiers, and the immense sacrifices that millions of brave men and women in uniform have been making for over 100 years to protect our peace, security and freedom. 

As we look back on the history of our Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), we reflect on the selfless contributions of Canadians in uniform over the years. It was the Battle of Vimy Ridge and Passchendaele in World War 1 that Canada gained a reputation of strength and leadership on the world stage. 

In World War 2, our soldiers demonstrated incredible diligence and cooperation with the Allied forces despite the dangerous conditions they were met with on the shores of Normandy. These individuals shaped the valour, strength and diversity of our CAF today. 

Canada’s diverse population of veterans has served in times of war, peace and military conflict. On this Remembrance Day, we also look back on 75 years of Canada's role in United Nations peacekeeping missions. More than 125,000 Canadians in uniform have braved dangerous conditions to work with communities to foster lasting peace and stability, and we thank our peacekeepers for their invaluable efforts in support of world peace. 

Let us never forget the selfless actions of those who have fallen, and the unimaginable conditions they were faced with while fighting for freedom at home and abroad. 

To our veterans: 
Today, and every day, we salute the immense sacrifices of our veterans, reflect on and honour their service to our country, and vow to continue collaborating with veterans' organizations to address their needs. The contributions of veterans on Canadian soil and overseas has invariably shaped the strength and diversity of today's Canadian Armed Forces. Thank you for your service. 

If you have questions about eligibility for veterans benefits, please do not hesitate to reach out to my constituency office using the contact information at the bottom of this page. 

You can also visit this website to learn more about the programs and services available to veterans: Benefits Navigator - Resources - Veterans Affairs Canada

To serving members of the Canadian Armed Forces: 
Today, and every day, we also pay our utmost respect to those who are serving in the Canadian Armed Forces. Over 97,000 soldiers, sailors, and aviators in uniform are serving on 45 missions on Canadian soil and abroad to promote peace, security and freedom. Everyday, these individuals demonstrate cooperation, resilience and valour in times of war, peace and military conflict, and we thank them for their service. 

To our cadets:
On this Remembrance Day, I would also like to highlight the incredible work of our cadets. Everyday, these youths display incredible work ethic in developing invaluable life skills, and work diligently to build a more equitable community that supports our veterans and their families. 


Newsletter - Nov. 15, 2023


Newsletter - Nov. 01, 2023